Real Life Plant Parents: Camille

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This week’s Plant Parent is Camille, who has loved being around nature and plants since she was a little girl and now has a thriving plant collection that has mostly grown from cuttings of  single leaves! That is some impressive plant parenting. We had so much fun getting to know Camille and hope you love her story.

An early start 

Camille learned very early in life that nature was fascinating and endlessly beautiful to her, and she started a lifelong love of plants from childhood.

Plants are not inanimate objects to me, they are seriously friends and a huge form of therapy. I was always barefoot in the garden as a little girl, curiously observing and inspecting everything in our backyard. I remember slowly creeping through the garden and being amazed at just how much life could be found in one square foot of land. There were so many different plants and insects, sights, textures and smells; I was hooked! I made it clear at a very young age that I needed my own vegetable garden because food grown at home tasted better and that I needed sunflowers taller than be to be against the fence to protect me and my veggies. A year later, I was begging to have plants in my bedroom, I was obsessed with the idea of my room feeling like a garden! My mom found me English Ivy which quickly took over my walls, and from there I remember trying plants like Pothos, Ferns, Venus Fly Traps and seasonal plants like Poinsettia in winter and Tulips or Hyacinth in spring.  

A true green thumb

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Camille has grown most of her plants at home from single cuttings or rescuing ailing plants, and we don’t know about you, but getting a cutting to root and thrive always makes us feel like plant wizards. We are in awe of the green thumb!

Most people know me for my obsession with Pothos because I have it in every spot you look. It’s a wonderful hardy forgiving plant, really great for beginners, it can tolerate all different types of light and can trail or climb. The OG Golden Pothos is what I have the most of and half of them were actually started from clippings of my Mother’s plants. She had, I believe, three large pots sitting high upon a shelf in the kitchen and they trailed everywhere, it really made the room come to life! Unfortunately, my mother started to have more problems with an addiction and at the end of the day the plants didn’t get the attention they deserved; each time I saw them they were worse than the last. I am happy to say that now I'm not just hanging onto the beautiful memories of the past but that I actually still have those plants alive in my own home! That being said, 75% of my plant babies were rescues or ones that I started from just one single leaf, so in my eyes they’re all pretty unique. 

Always growing 

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Camille has an interesting take on counting her plants but was able to give us a ballpark number of plants in her collection -- spoilers: it’s in the triple digits. 

I always have too many, and also not enough! Quite honestly, I've always thought that counting plants is silly, especially since it’s so easy to clip a plant and propagate a new one. I also don’t like counting plants because I own a lot of species that self-propagate or grow in clusters, this means the numbers are constantly multiplying. That being said, I have roughly 200 plants currently in my oasis I call home...even my pets have plants.

An “ivy” league college experience 

Camille really ramped up her love of plants when she went to college and was free to decorate however she wanted. 

I truly started my plant collection once I left home and went away to University and College, over seven years ago. Once I had my own space, I could really fill it with the things I love. Plus, what is better than study breaks full of coffee and plants? Plants allow us to stop stressing about our own lives for a moment, they remind us to stop and breathe. I’ll never stop planting and growing new things, nothing feels better than getting my hands dirty. 

Advice for new plant parents

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As such a seasoned green thumb, Camille has some great advice for those just beginning their plant loving lifestyle. 

There are a few things that I would love to tell me from the past, simple things that can get any plant parent on the right track. 

  • Accept the fact that some plants will die in your home, you will notice that sometimes you can do it all and they still go kaput. It's not you honey, it’s the plant. They’re just picky and don’t like your home. Thank you, next! 

  • Always, always do your own research! Even tags can be misleading, not everyone will give you the best advice. Also, what works for someone else may not work for you. 

  • Do NOT compare yourself to other plant parents! (We all kill plants, if someone hasn’t... they’re a liar) 

  • It's not a race and numbers mean absolutely nothing; 20 plants may very well give you more joy than 200. Plants are friends, not trophies! 

  • Don’t give up, sometimes it’s my third shot at growing a different species in my home and I finally get it right! It’s all about building the right relationship with your plants, you need to be able to understand them.  

Picking favorites

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We always ask the mean question about favorites, and Camille chose something that always makes her smile and think tropical thoughts! 

Why are you making me choose a favourite child that’s horrible (*whispers* Monstera). I truly do have new favourites every week of the year, however, I wouldn’t be upset about having more Monsteras in my life. There’s just a special tropical vibe that comes from Monsteras, I need that kind of relaxation in my cold Canadian life. 

Future plant plans

Camille hopes to one day design her own outdoor landscape and garden. We asked what plants she wants to add to her collection both indoors and out! 

I love any sort of foliage; variegation is also appreciated. I think if I really had to choose, I would have all of the different varieties of Pothos, there are still a few that I have yet to check off my list. Aside from that, I really just want to own property so I can design my own gardens outdoors. I have a background in Landscape Design and I’m basically done teasing myself by planning others’ gardens for them. My wishlist of perennials, shrubs, and trees is surprisingly long.

Inspiring plant parenthood 

Camille has spread the love of plants to her friends and loved ones, sometimes with enthusiasm and sometimes with a little encouragement required. 

I have pushed many people to become plant parents, some hesitant and others more willing, but in the end, all are happy with a little guidance. I believe with all my heart and soul that spreading the love of plants to others is my purpose here on Earth. Plants are here for us to love, enjoy and connect with. I constantly use my plants to help meditate as well, reminding me that I am connected to the Universe, to everyone and everything around me. The endgame for me is opening my own magical plant shop where I can grow and sell to my heart's desire. Spreading the love of plant vibes to people every day by helping them design their indoor gardens!

Follow Camille on Instagram @plantvibelove to keep an eye on her growing plant collection!

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