5 Reasons Plant People Make Better Partners

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Finding love as a plant parent 

Have you ever given someone a second look on a dating app if they have some healthy houseplants in their photos? It’s almost as if keeping plants alive proves that a potential partner understands regular care and attention to detail. Our tips will help you design a dating profile to attract other plant parents, and dating app tips to find the eligible plant loving partners in your area. 

Whether you’re seeking a last minute Valentine’s Day date or finding love online, these are our top five reasons to date a plant person along with the best dating app advice we can share from our leafy friends. 

They pay attention

People who keep their plants thriving are people who know how to pay attention to signs and signals in order to keep their plants (and partners) in healthy shape with tender loving care. Sure, dating is more complex than checking light and water levels, but someone who notices their Pothos needs a drink might also notice when you need an extra hug or to talk about your day. 

Dating App Tip: If you see someone’s plants in their photos, ask about the variety or how long they’ve had them in your initial message! It’s a great way to make a connection and get the conversation started. 

They’re wellness minded

People often keep houseplants in order to improve air quality and their overall mood and mental health. This means someone who prioritizes houseplants is also prioritizing their mental health, which is a great sign of someone who will also prioritize your mental health when you’re having a down day. 

First Date Idea: Meet at a local yoga or meditation studio to get in the zone together, then grab a smoothie or Buddha bowl at a local juice bar! 

They nurture themselves

Plant people enjoy the proper care and nurturing of houseplants, which means they’re also equipped to nurture themselves thanks to plants’ natural reminder for regular self care. The two of you, as a Plant Parent power couple, can find a balance between taking care of yourselves and each other. 

Dating Profile Tip: Mention your interest in plants in your dating profile so you can attract potential partners who also love plants. 

They understand different needs

If your potential partner keeps a variety of plants, including tropicals, succulents, flowering plants, etc. -- it shows that they know there’s no one size fits all approach to life and love. People have different love languages and needs just like plants. One person might be like a Fittonia and love frequent check-ins, but that will drive a succulent-like personality to feel overwatered and overwhelmed. A plant person as your ideal partner will be able to provide the dialed in care and communication needed to keep your relationship growing. 

Second Date Idea: Once you’ve met and gotten to know each other (and your plants), plan a repotting date where you can go shopping for new pots and spend an afternoon repotting your plants that need an upgrade. 

They’re curious

When you’re dating a plant person, your potential partner is someone who gets investigative to see why things aren’t thriving. Whether it’s a drooping, yellow plant or distance in your communication style, plant parents get to the heart of the matter and find a healthy solution to get back on track for healthy growth. 

Dating App Tip: If your match has plants in their profile, ask about a time they lost a plant and what happened. This will give you great insight into how they approach problems. 

Bonus tip

Give your date a potted plant as a gift. Best case scenario, it lives forever and you have a great story. Worst case scenario, you pull a “love fern” and you still have a great story. 

Get swiping

Valentine’s Day is coming soon -- snag a plant loving date with our tips and let us know if you find love. (These centerpieces would be great at your wedding). 

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