Real Life Plant Parents: Royse


Today we’ll be hearing from Royse, a law student with a busy schedule that includes caring for her collection of 15 (ish) plants at home!

Royse submitted her story by saying: I love my plants!! I am a current law student, so my time is spread pretty thin. I always have time though for my succulents, my foliage plants, my money tree, and my personal favorites, two spider plants that were propagated from a spider plant that my mom and dad bought for their first house.

A Slow Start

We asked Royse how she got started as a plant parent, and it turns out she started with just one small succulent as she entered college.

When I moved into college five years ago, I ended up getting a little succulent to take with me.  I didn't think much of plants, as moving from dorm to dorm every year meant it was difficult for me to transport plants around with me.  Now, I'm in law school, living in a house in a city, and I am constantly craving more greenery and nature around me. My plant parenting really took off last year, when I started using plants as interior decoration.

Spider Plant Love Story

We can’t get enough of people’s special stories behind their plants. It seems all of our plant parents have at least one heirloom in their collection, special gift, or plant with a unique history.

I have two spider plants, which are super easy beginner plants. You stick them in a window, water them when they are dry, and they will grow like weeds. Those two plants were propagated from a spider plant my mom got nearly 30 years ago when she married my dad. I love them a lot, since they seem to carry along so much history with them.

But it turns out that even though her spider plants have the most meaningful story behind them, they don’t always make the cut when she’s deciding on her favorite.

I have a soft spot for my spider plants, but I'm currently loving my snake plant.  They are hardy and survive well in low light areas, which is perfect for my old house.

Great Advice for Beginners

Royse’s advice for new plant parents or people interested in getting their first plant is spot on and so reassuring for those worried about their lack of green thumb.

Don't freak out!  Your plant might droop, look a little brown, or get a spot here or there.  Don't give up! With a little TLC (or lack thereof with some plants, like succulents!), your plants will perk back up and you will prove to yourself that you have a green thumb.

Too Much of a Good Thing

We’re into hard-hitting plant journalism, so we need to know the nitty gritty details. Has Royse ever made an oops with her plants? Spill the deets!

I have killed several succulents and cacti. I over-loved them, gave them too much water.  It took me a while to realize that a hands-off approach is the best.

Inspiring Plant Parenthood

We’re always interested to see how our Plant Parents share their love of nature with the world. Royse is starting small but we’re sure she’ll encourage others as she continues in her plant parenthood journey!

I am forcing plant parenthood onto my boyfriend... he is slowly accepting it.  We started slow though, just a bamboo stalk, but I now am convincing him he needs a snake plant too.

Submit Your Story

If you love being a plant parent, submit your own story to us and we might feature you soon! Click here to get started.

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