5 Best Plants for a Black Thumb

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If you’re not confident in your green thumb, this blog post will help you find a new plant that can stand up to your fears! These five plants are forgiving and extremely low maintenance, making them an easy first plant for beginners. 

Aloe Mitriformis: Succulents can sometimes be tricky to avoid overwatering, but the Aloe Mitriformis is one of our hardier and more forgiving varieties. It needs bright light and minimal watering, so it’s great for leaving on a sunny windowsill and forgetting about.  

Arrowhead Vine: This beautiful foliage plant just needs a weekly drink of water and will happily grow without any other maintenance until it outgrows its pot. You can trim back the vines to keep it bushy or let it grow into vines. It needs bright, indirect light and you should water when the top inch of soil is dry. 

Pothos: Similar to the Arrowhead Vine, the Pothos is another trailing plant that is low maintenance and happily grows in most light conditions (medium to bright is best for more growth). The Pothos will droop when it needs water, so it’s almost like it can talk to you. Stay ahead of the game with a weekly-ish watering when the top inch of soil is dry. 

Sansevieria: Sanseveria barely needs any attention at all as it is drought resistant and needs minimal water. Keep it in low to bright light and it will give you a touch of green without much effort on your part. Different varieties of Sansevieria (also called snake plant) let you mix and match textures, shapes, and colors for a low maintenance indoor jungle. 

ZZ Plant: The ZZ is the true MVP of low maintenance plants. Its rhizomes hold onto water below the soil’s surface so it needs water only once a month or so. It can thrive in any light level and is easy to propagate or separate when it outgrows its pot.  

Do you feel ready? 

We hope you’re ready to take on plant ownership with these low maintenance recommendations! Share your own plant setup on instagram with us - tag @wild_interiors for a chance to be regrammed to the feed. 

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