Plants for Kids: How to Decorate Their Room

If you would like to get your children interested in plants or they are already exhibiting intrigue, consider helping them decorate their rooms with our favorite plants for kids! Finding the right plants that are appropriate for younger ones is important. Consider plants that are easy to grow and care for and ones that are non-toxic. Part of the fun of decorating with plants in your children’s rooms is helping teach them how to care for them. Having them follow a care routine with their plants can help teach responsibility. Once you figure out what plants for kids will work best for your family, check out our kid-friendly decorating tips and advice!


Best Plants for Kids’ Rooms

Spider Plant

Kids will love the fun name and appearance of the spider plant. This common houseplant has been loved for many generations in our homes due to its easy care and versatility. Spider plants prefer bright to medium light but can tolerate lower light levels too. Spider plants like to be kept slightly moist but not soaking wet. Kids can water this plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil dries out. Another fun tidbit about spider plants is that the mature plants will produce pups or small spider plant babies that can be propagated to make new spider plants. What a great learning experience for kids!


Succulents make great additions to kids’ rooms because of their cute appearance and low maintenance tendencies. Succulents like bright, indirect light so make sure your child’s room has plenty of sunny window access. Because of their fleshy leaves, stems and roots that store water, succulents do not need to be watered as often as other plants. Let these plants dry out completely between waterings. Succulents should be bottom watered by lifting the plant and grower pot out of the decorative pot and pouring water into the bottom of the decorative pot. Echeveria and Haworthia are perfect kid-friendly succulents for their room and are non-toxic to pets too!


Both the Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant) and the Peperomia ferreyrae (Happy Bean Plant) are great choices for your child’s room. The Baby Rubber Plant is a foliage variety of peperomia and likes to dry out in between waterings. The plant does like humidity, so consider making your own DIY humidity tray with your kids if you choose this plant for their room. Keep in bright, indirect sunlight. The Happy Bean Plant should be watered sparingly when the soil has dried out. Water thoroughly when it is time to water. Bright, indirect light is best for this succulent. Both of these plants are non-toxic and safe to keep in homes with pets.

How to Decorate with Plants for Kids

  • When decorating with plants in your kid’s room, choose a location to place them where your child can easily reach the plant to check on it and water. A desk, dresser or shelf may be a good spot. Avoid locations where the plant might likely get knocked over, like a bedside table.

  • Use fun, decorative planters and pots.  Choose from fun colors and designs to animal and silly face pots. There are pots and planters to fit every child’s personality!

  • Let kids decorate a plain terracotta pot for their plant using markers, paint, yarn, trim, or embellishments. Have them add their name to the pot using stencils or letter stickers.

  • Look for kid-themed plant hangers or work with them on their own DIY macrame hanging planters. Plant hangers make great decor additions to kids’ rooms and also keeps plants up and away from pets that might knock them over or bother them.

Share with us how you plan to decorate your children's rooms with plants (or how you already have) @wild_interiors on Instagram.