Best Plants for Pet Lovers

You love your pets like they are family, but we know you love your plants too! You want to make sure they can coexist in the same space, without having to take anyone to the vet or clean up piles of dirt.  

If you have pets, having plants is a great idea because many indoor houseplants are air-purifying – making your space cleaner for both you and your animals! Plus, it’s great to have both pets and plants, because it’s proven that having something to care for is great for your mental health.  

Before we jump onto the list of pet-safe plants, we want to share one reminder for animal lovers. Although many plants are labeled as pet safe, we don’t encourage or recommend your pets ever eat any of your plants. While the plant itself may not be toxic, consuming dirt or any fertilizer on your plants isn’t safe and pets could have an allergic reaction as well. 

What plants are safe for dogs? 

Spider plants: It’s great news that one of the easiest houseplants to care for is also safe for your pooch. Spider plants love to hang as they grow, so make sure you place it high enough, so your dogs don’t treat it like a hanging snack.  

Succulents: Also, easy to care for, all varieties of succulents are safe for dogs. Keep these around your home with no worries about your furry friends getting into them.  

Cacti: Like our Cuddly Cactus, keeping these desert-loving plants in your home is totally safe for your dogs. Go ahead and make your space look like a warm oasis and it’s safe for your dog!  

Calathea: These foliage plants are great for your home as they purify the air – awesome for you and your dog! Plus, these plants are stunning in color and texture, so if you don’t want to keep several plants around your dog, you could get a calathea and make an impact in any space. 

Orchids: Some flowers are not safe for dogs, but orchids are! These are taller, so your pet shouldn’t be tempted to snack on these. However, if they do get ahold of them, they are nontoxic.  

What plants are safe for cats? 

Ponytail Palm: While this plant is fun looking and may tempt your feline to want to play, you don’t have to worry about it being toxic. If you want a safe, fun plant for your space, ponytail palms are cat safe!  

Spider plant: Just like the ponytail palm, spider plants hanging from higher up could be a recipe for a messy disaster with a cat. If you’re willing to take the risk with dirt  

Calathea: Just like we said above for dogs, calatheas are great to keep in your home as they purify the air. Plus, if you want to limit your plants because you have a feisty feline, calatheas make a great statement in small spaces. 

Bromeliads: These are bright and fun and if your cat confuses it for a toy, no worries about safety – these are nontoxic for cats!  

Orchid: There are a lot of flowers that are toxic for cats, especially their pollen, but orchids aren’t one of them! These beauties are totally safe to keep around your cats.  

Do your pets have any favorite plants of yours? Or any they really dislike? We suggest keeping plants and pets separated, until you know if your pets can be trusted around them. Even for the plants that are non-toxic, you don’t want your animals knocking them down and making a mess when you aren’t home!